“Asclepius-One Health” participated at the General Assembly of the Union of European Veterinary Practitioners (GA of UEVP) hosted in Malta, during 24-27 November 2022, following an invitation by the President of UEVP Piotr Kwiecinski, DVM, PhD.
The President of “Asclepius-One Health” (AOH) Mrs Eleni Pavlidou, DVM, MBA, as a guest speaker, had the opportunity to present the work, goals and vision of AOH and to talk about the actions already implemented as well as the next immediate actions that have been launched, in the context of the approach of One Health.
And the particular interest that the UEVP members showed in Mrs Pavlidou’s speech and the comments that followed demonstrate the particularly crucial role of modern veterinary medicine in the promotion of One Health and especially in the prevention of health threats.
One Health, as Ms Pavlidou noticed, is the approach through which the Sustainable Development Goals will be achieved, directly and with the intended results: human and animal health, well-being, mitigation of social inequalities, food and climate crisis, disease control, etc.
At the end of her speech, the President of “Asclepius – One Health”, after thanking the institutions and members of the scientific community who support and align themselves with the objectives of “Asclepius – One Health”, pointed out that “only through One Health is it possible all kinds of future threats to be addressed. And ‘’Asclepius – One Health’’ is here to help!”.