“Asclepius One Health” participated in 27th FECAVA Eurocongress, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic (June 8-11, 2022), with a Poster presentation entitled “Osteoarthritis (OA) Cases in Dogs and Cats in Greece”. In this study, a surveillance system for the collection of data on canine and feline osteoarthritis (OA) cases encountered by veterinarians in daily practice, was organized and implemented in Greece.
Moreover, the impact of the addition of a pet owner-completed canine and feline checklist on the diagnosis of OA was assessed. Findings demonstrated that real-time data collection systems on the occurrence of diseases / syndromes in everyday clinical practice, can be an important tool for veterinarians as it can greatly help them adapt their diagnostic and therapeutic approach. It was also demonstrated that the introduction of a pet owner-completed checklist helps and improves significantly the level of diagnosis.
This Asclepius One Health study received the Award of the “Best Poster Presentation of the Congress”.
Osteoarthritis (OA) cases in dogs and cats in Greece. Valiakos G, Tsipianitis E, Trachili A, Marinos Z. 27th FECAVA Eurocongress, Prague (Czech Republic), 8 to 11 June 2022, p. 348.