“Asclepius One Health” participated in the 12th Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society Forum on April 1st-2nd, 2023, in Thessaloniki.
The participants had the possibility of a comprehensive update on the activities and actions that the Organization develops, inside and outside Greece, with the aim of spreading and integrating the strategy of One Health in every policy that refers to the protection of the Public Health (people, animals and environment).
Many companies in the field, veterinarians and students expressed particular interest in the Educational part, which is one of the most important pillars of our action, on the occasion of the recent Introductory Seminar on One Health, organized on March 30 by “Asclepius One Health” in collaboration with the “Laboratory of Experimental and Applied Psychology of the SCG – Scientific College of Greece”.
The team of “Asclepius One Health” would like to thank the Organizing Committee of the Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society, but also all of you, for the warm welcome you gave us.
The communication we established gives us the strength to continue, for “One Health for All”, for a Sustainable Future.