Curriculum Vitae
Address G-9 Anand Niketan, New Delhi, India Email [email protected]
Development of WHO’s Epidemic Vulnerability Evaluation (EVE) framework, an
integrated multi
hazard assessment
tool of epidemic risk
Development of WHO’s modelling network for pandemic and epidemic
preparedness and
ontribution to UN’s Office for Disaster Risk
on the development
of GRAF (the Global Risk Assessment Framework for
disasters) V. J. Del Rio Vilas, C.V. 2
Address G-9 Anand Niketan, New Delhi, India Email [email protected]
Coordinator/consultant Nov 2012 – Nov 2016 Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Leading team of 3 staff members (P4), 2 assistants and 1 intern.
▪ Coordination of regional rabies control and elimination programme.
▪ Coordination of the South American Initiative towards the control and elimination of echinococcosis
▪ Provision of technical cooperation to countries in the region on epidemiology, surveillance and control of emerging and endemic zoonoses, e.g. leishmaniasis, yellow fever, avian influenza.
o Contribution to >1 dozen missions to countries across the region
Deputy Science Manager/Vet Lead Sept 2010 – Oct 2012
Bechtel Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Implementing the Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP), Defense Threat Reduction Agency, U.S. Dpt. of Defense, in Uzbekistan.
▪ Co-management of 9 local scientists.
▪ Planning and implementation of enhanced surveillance systems for especially dangerous pathogens (EDP: e.g. anthrax, pox viruses, CCHF, brucellosis, HPAI) in Uzbekistan.
▪ Implementation of training programme in epidemiology, disease control and surveillance to Uzbek health officials
Adviser (Epidemiology and Surveillance) Apr 2008 – Sept 2010 Defra London, UK
At UK’s Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Surveillance, Zoonoses and Emerging Issues Division
▪ Epidemiologist for the scanning surveillance of animal diseases in domestic species for England and Wales
▪ Adviser for the Emerging Threat Highlight Report (ETHiR) for prioritisation and reporting of emerging threats to UK’s animal health.
▪ Member of the National Epidemiology and Emergency Group (NEEG) during outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza, and EIA.
▪ Avian Influenza epidemiologist
Deputy Programme Manager Jan 2008 – Apr 2008 Veterinary Laboratories Agency Weybridge, UK
At Defra’s executive agency, responsible for surveillance and epidemiology within the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) Programme.
Epidemiologist/Principal investigator Aug 2002 – Jan 2008 Veterinary Laboratories Agency Weybridge, UK
At Defra’s executive agency, responsible for the following nationwide surveillance and research projects:
▪ Statutory Notification of scrapie in Great Britain.
▪ Analysis and design of scrapie surveillance strategies in Great Britain.
▪ Responsible for the scrapie fallen stock survey
▪ Case-control study on atypical scrapie.
▪ Leading team of 3 database managers, PMs, and coordinating with statisticians and epidemiologists.
V. J. Del Rio Vilas, C.V. 3
Address G-9 Anand Niketan, New Delhi, India Email [email protected]
Temporary Veterinary Inspector Oct 2000 – Jun 2001
State Veterinary Service (SVS) Leicester, UK
Responsibilities: field veterinarian during the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak, investigation of notifiable disease reports.
Lead Official Veterinary Surgeon (OVS) Aug 1999 – Aug 2001
Meat Hygiene Service West Midlands, UK
On behalf of the Meat Hygiene Service, ensuring food safety and animal welfare at a number of red and white meat slaughterhouses.
Sales Manager Aug 1995 – May 1999
Purina Spain
Leading team of 5 salesmen and 13 dealers. Responsible for sales, marketing plans, supply chain, market research, product positioning, and customer development.
Consultant/Research Fellow July 2018 – ongoing The Centre on Global Health Security London, UK Chatham House
The Royal Institute of International Affairs
1. Working towards the development of a Hub of Excellence in One Health in south east Europe
2. In partnership with the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), development of the One Health strategy for the region.
3. Contribution to the deployment of Africa CDC antimicrobial strategy
4. Working towards the development of a UK One Health strategic framework.
Consultant Feb 2017- April 2017
World Health Organization (WHO) Geneva, Switzerland
Coordination of stakeholders meeting (~40 academics and officials), production of meeting report, and perspective paper for the modelling network for epidemic/pandemic preparedness and forecasting.
Team Lead March 2015 – April 2015
WHO Monrovia, Liberia
WHO Ebola Virus Disease Laboratory team lead, Leading team of GOARN consultants
▪ WHO representative at Laboratory-Incident Management System (IMS)
▪ WHO representative at the Dead Body Management and Safe Burials IMS, death certification, and swabbing of dead bodies.
Consultant June 2014
WHO Sri Lanka
WHO representative in tri-partite mission (WHO-FAO-OIE) to Sri Lanka to assess rabies programme. V. J. Del Rio Vilas, C.V. 4
Address G-9 Anand Niketan, New Delhi, India Email [email protected]
Expert groups/meetings April 2020, ongoing | Steering Committee member, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Global Risk Assessment Framework (GRAF) |
March 2019, Geneva | Expert meeting. WHO INfectious Hazards SUsceptibility REduction Project (INSURE) |
April 2018 –April 2020 | Expert member. UNDRR, Global Risk Assessment Framework (GRAF) |
November 2017 Geneva | Expert meeting. Global Risk Assessment Framework, UNDRR |
May 2017 Geneva | Expert meeting. WHO EYE (yellow fever) partners meeting |
March 2017 Bangkok | WHO expert consultation on rabies, resulting in the publication of the WHO Expert Consultation on Rabies: Third Report. |
March 2017 London | WHO Network for pandemic/epidemic preparedness, |
November 2014 Geneva | Expert meeting. WHO Fourth International Meeting on the Control of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases: from Advocacy to Action |
2010 – 2011 | Expert member. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) working group on data collection for the identification of emerging risks related to food and feed. |